Acoustic consultancy services for the conversion to form a 600+ bed hotel for Zedwell in London.

Plant Installation at a New Build Health Innovation Neighbourhood in Newcastle.
Acoustic Design and Consultancy Support
The Health Innovation Neighbourhood is a multi-million-pound development that will be situated on a 29-acre site in Newcastle, and aims to be the world’s premier centre for healthy ageing and living by encompassing a range of bring together leaders of academic, industry, public sector organisations and local communities to help find effective solutions that address the complex and ever-changing challenges of an ageing population.
The award winning team at GSS Architecture have been tasked with delivering the project, and turned to our acoustic experts for assistance when the need for a noise impact assessment in accordance with BS4142:2014+2019 arose.
We were able to provide a detailed technical report that identified expected noise emissions from the site once fully operational. To achieve this, we assessed existing sound levels at several locations close to the site, allowing us to establish a baseline for the noise impact assessment.
Our subsequent report laid out exactly how to ensure noise emissions were managed in accordance with the Local Planning Policy.

Recent Projects
Acoustic consultancy services for the conversion to form a Capsule Hotel in London.
Acoustic design of the Open University’s Multimedia Studio and Office Refurbishment.
Who we work with